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Jordan visa for Filipinos and all the necessary papers to obtain it

Jordan visa for Filipinos This depends on the country of your residence, as you may need a visa in advance in order to enter the Philippines, and therefore most of all these international visitors in general may need a special visa. The process of entering Jordan, and then

but all of this will be possible for many nationalities, and then this is in order to obtain a visa upon arrival, and then fortunately, the process of obtaining an entry visa to the country of the Philippines, whether it is arranged in advance or upon Reaching this country is a relatively simple process.

Jordan visa for Filipinos 

Then, work is being done to propose the process for traveling to all of the Kingdom of Jordan, in addition to everything related to the excellent tourist country that may possess all the elements of natural tourism.

This is in addition to history, and then we add to that the archaeological state in the Philippines, and then this is in addition to the reputation of its people for good hospitality and hospitality, and then good reception as well. 

As work is done accordingly, you are provided with the most important and prominent information that you may need about the Jordanian visa and then the method of obtaining it so that you can enter the Philippines.

Then this will be based on whether you may want to enter Jordan through the Philippines’ airport or through one of the Philippines’ borders as well, and then all visa rules may vary, so it is always important to check in advance

The most important documents required to obtain a Jordan visa for the Philippines

There are many documents related to the process of traveling to the Philippines, in addition to the Jordan visa for the Philippines, and the most prominent of these documents are the following:

  • We must have a passport that is valid for a minimum of six months and also for a period of at least 90 days after the end of this travel process.
  • Then you also have a ticket for round-trip travel, and then you can refuse entry to all visitors who may not have tickets for the return trip.
  • In addition to the presence of travel health insurance so that it is valid throughout the period of stay, this does not apply to all family members of all those traveling with a diplomatic or private passport.
  • In addition to the possibility of submitting proof of the hotel reservation process.

Other documents in order to obtain a Jordan visa

There are many papers related to the process of obtaining a Jordan visa for Filipinos and then obtaining a Jordan visa for Filipinos, the most important of which are the following:

  • Also, all travelers to Jordan must fill out the form for the personal declaration, and then this code can be obtained and then presented when boarding the plane or when making the request at the border crossing.
  • All these children under the age of five are exempt from filling out this form.

How to apply for a Jordan visa for Filipinos before traveling

There are many regulations for all these Jordanian visas, as it is possible that all citizens of more than 80 countries must obtain an embassy visa or obtain a consular visa, in order for it to be approved in order to work on a visit. Kingdom, and thus this is regardless of the primary purpose of the travel process or the special period of expected stay.

There must also be a special protocol for the process of obtaining a special visa from the Jordanian embassy from the applicant, as this appointment is set in the nearest office.

Hence, it is also considered necessary to work on completing this application, which may include the process of obtaining a visa from the Jordanian embassy with all details related to identity, then all passports, in addition to a set of all supporting documents.

Hence, this is before processing this application and then approving it, as it is important to work on paying the embassy visa fees.

The most important documents and papers required to obtain a Jordan visa

In order to obtain a Jordanian visa for Filipinos, several special documents and papers related to the Jordanian visa for Filipinos must be available, and then this must be submitted in order to submit it to the Jordanian embassy in the country of each tourist, and these documents include the following: 

  •  Complete the visa form or process at the Jordanian embassy and then print it and then sign it for the Jordanian visa for Filipinos.
  •  In addition to the requirement to have a valid passport that is valid for a period of up to 6 months as a minimum.
  • This is in addition to the presence of two photographs, which were obtained less than six months ago.
  • Then there is a special ticket for the round-trip travel process.
  • Along with all the details of the bank account that may prove that this passenger is able to finance his travel.

Other documents related to the papers required to obtain a Jordan visa

There are several documents related to obtaining a special visa in Jordan for Filipinos, and the most important of these documents are the following:

  • Everything related to all the details of your stay, and then there is evidence of your reservation at the hotel throughout the period of your stay.
  • In addition to the process of having health insurance in order to travel, it must be valid throughout the period of stay.
  • It is also important that the applicant does not pose any threat to public health, security, morals or the national economy, and therefore the applicant should not be charged or convicted of any crime.
  • As for all employees, they must submit all papers such as the employment contract along with the original work certificate that shows that this job is in the company and then the salary, and this is considered the bank account statement for the past months, along with the letter approving the leave from the employer.

Types of all visas for travel to Jordan

There are a number of different visas for Jordan, depending on the length of time you plan to stay in, in addition to the number of times you may plan to enter the country. The most prominent and important of these visas are the following:

Transit visa for Filipinos

As it is given to all travelers through Jordan and those who wish to work to spend less than 24 hours in this country, they are also considered exempt from everything related to visa fees, and therefore all transit visas may be issued at all Jordanian airports immediately upon arrival, and you must also be informed All officials at all border areas say that you are considered a passing passenger.

Single entry visa to Jordan

It allows everyone who holds it to enter Jordan once for a period of up to one month only, and then all of this visa can be obtained at Jordanian airports upon arrival.

Other types of Jordan visas 

There are many types of visas for the Jordanian visa for Filipinos, including the following:

Double entry visa

This visa allows all Filipino visitors to remain in Jordan for a period of up to three months from the date of issuance.

A visa for the entry process frequently

This visa also allows all those who obtain it to enter Jordan multiple times, and it also allows them to stay for a period of up to six months within the Kingdom with a Jordan visa for Filipinos.

At the end of the article, we talked about the Jordanian visa for Filipinos, in addition to all the important documents related to the travel process for this process.