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Medical tourism in Jordan

Medical tourism in Jordan, which is considered one of the most prominent therapeutic methods in the world, as Jordan has achieved a high position among the countries of the world in the field of medical tourism in recent years.

Also, Jordan is considered one of the countries where recovery from many physical diseases is mixed as well as diseases related to the soul; Thanks to the blessings of God Almighty on the land of Jordan, and medical tourism includes wonderful advantages and importance.  

Medical tourism in Jordan

There are very few places where a person can obtain physical or emotional healing, and Jordan is among the few places where physical illness disappears along with emotional illness.

This is due to the abundance of picturesque and wonderful nature that exists in Jordan with all its therapeutic resources, and that these resources include hot water rich in minerals and elements beneficial to the health of the individual, passing through the mild weather and volcanic mud, and finally the attractive landscapes.

Also, those places where God Almighty placed healing for the largest hospitals distinguished by the most skilled and skilled doctors.

physical therapy sites

There are many tourist places rich in volcanic mud, and water saturated with minerals important to one's health, and these resources are considered hospital resorts frequented by many individuals, and we will get to know the most prominent of these hospital sites that are part of medical tourism in Jordan, follow the following:


Ma'in Baths is considered one of the areas famous for its clinics and natural resorts that provide treatment for patients suffering from skin diseases, joint and bone diseases, circulatory diseases, muscular and back pain, and it is about eighty-five kilometers to the south of Amman, and it is 120 meters lower than the surface of the city. the sea.

The area also has many clinics and centers for physical training activities.


Jordan is one of the places that enjoys a wonderful medical network and is present in both the private sector and the public sector. Jordan includes medical services and is famous for its creativity. There are also a number of the most important names in many medical branches, and it is considered medical tourism in Jordan.

There are more hospitals that treat heart diseases, cancer, as well as infertility, visual diseases, family medicine, and other specialties, all in Jordan, and the Royal Hospital is one of the most famous medical centers within the region, but in the entire world; This is because it contains a giant number of the most important surgeons and doctors in the world.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea region is one of the sunny and warm regions throughout the year, and the average temperature is about 30.4 degrees Celsius. The sun's rays are very beautiful in the Dead Sea region, and they are not harmful to the people living in this region.

But as for the air in that region, it is considered dry and rich in oxygen, and the Dead Sea is famous for containing black mud saturated with minerals and salts, especially because it contains magnesium, calcium and bromine.

Also, that area includes the necessary resources for natural healing, which is a unique combination of minerals and salts, and it is supervised by a group of individuals specialized in that field, and it is considered part of medical tourism in Jordan.

Afra baths

The Afra Baths are located only 26 kilometers from Tafilah, in the south of Jordan, where the hot water flows from more than 15 sources, in order to complete the atmosphere of the place with healing minerals.

Experts also say that this water in particular contains tremendous power to treat varicose veins, infertility, rheumatism and anemia, as a center has been established to provide public services in addition to the presence of a restaurant and a natural clinic.

Jordanian ham

Al-Hamma Al-Urduniyah is located in the north of Amman, 100 kilometers away, as it is one of the most touristic, therapeutic and vital places in that region. A number of clinics and a resort have also been built. This is in order to provide many important services to visitors to this region.

There is also a center for people who suffer from problems and diseases in the respiratory system, and there are also centers that provide the necessary treatment to treat skin diseases as well as diseases related to the joints and the nervous system. one night.

Factors distinguishing Jordan with medical tourism

Jordan achieves the first place regionally, and it is considered among ten countries in the world in the field of medical tourism, and we will mention the reasons for the factors that distinguish medical tourism in Jordan as follows:

  • Jordan provides health insurance systems at effective and advanced levels.
  • It provides high quality medical services, in addition to low medical prices.
  • Jordan enjoys the geographical location, ease of laws and legislation related to the health sector, political and security stability, and the entry and exit process from Jordan is very easy.
  • Modern medical equipment and devices are provided within Jordanian hospitals, such as: nuclear medicine centers, oncology centers, radiology centers, and others.
  • Distinguish the human cadres working in the medical sector, such as: medical engineering, medicine, nursing and pharmacy, and are considered qualified to a high level of knowledge and science. 
  • The spread of hospital centers and therapeutic resorts in many areas in Jordan, such as: Ma'in Baths, the Dead Sea, and so on.
  • There are many private hospitals of international standards, and most of Jordan's private and governmental hospitals have international and local accreditations.

The importance of medical tourism in Jordan

Medical tourism is considered one of the most important and prominent pillars of the economy in the State of Jordan, as the medical tourism revenues within Jordan constitute nearly two-thirds of the tourism sector revenues in general.

As medical tourism works to increase the rate of consumption, and supports local investment, in addition to the contribution of medical tourism in order to provide work for citizens and increase their income.

Among the benefits of Jordanian tourism in Jordan is that it supports economic resources while increasing its productivity by building many tourism projects, in addition to saving as much foreign currency as possible, and it also indicates the provision of giant exports in the medical tourism sector, when technology is introduced into its own systems. .

Reasons for the trend to medical tourism

There are many reasons why people go to medical tourism in Jordan, and we will get to know the most prominent of these reasons through the following points:

  • Obtaining treatments that are not available in the country where you live.      
  • A new opportunity to travel and get to know a new country.
  • Treatments are cheap, unlike the country you live in.
  • The possibility of obtaining high-quality treatments compared to the treatments available in the country in which you live and live.
  • You will get your appropriate treatment in a straightforward manner without having to wait.
  • Not introducing a number of treatments into your health regimen; This is in order to obtain it in another country.

Medical tourism in Jordan is considered one of the most important treatment methods for physical and psychological recovery, and that tourism has an important return on the country's economy.