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Day trips from Amman and the most important places to visit

Amman is the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and it is one of the important tourist destinations that people search for day trips from Amman, as it is its largest city. Home to the ancient Roman and Byzantine civilizations, it is now an important artistic and cultural city in the Middle East. Tourism within Oman is a unique and wonderful experience.

Where it is distinguished as one of the mountain cities that possesses a special character, and the city was built with white stone, and Amman includes many monuments with prominent historical pages, including mosques and churches, and there are also the remaining ruins of the old markets that are characterized by cheerful colors, and also the city of Amman is characterized by a mild climate In most months of the year, which helps in stimulating tourism.

Daily flights from Amman

The capital of Jordan is characterized as one of the modern cities that blends with the historical nobility, and hides within it many tourist places that attract people to take many daily trips from Amman, and the city has ancient tourist places as well as modern places, all of which are worth a visit, and the city ranks fifth in the Arab countries In terms of the most visited cities, and among the most important places that you can go to are the following:

Amman Citadel

It is considered one of the places that you can prepare daily trips from Amman to, where visitors are dazzled by the view of the castle, as it has an attraction because of its wonderful gradation, and the history that it witnessed, so its construction dates back to the sixteenth century, and it is located on a high hill and enables you to enjoy looking at the unique architecture and wall inscriptions Attractive, and you can enjoy the artifacts that are located inside the castle.

You can practice some activities on the Citadel Mountain, where there are traces of the ancient capital of the Ammonites dating back to the Bronze Age, and one of its most prominent monuments is the Roman amphitheater, which was rebuilt more than once, and there are other distinctive places in the mountain represented in the Temple of Hercules next to the Umayyad Palace , with the proximity of the city's contemporary landmarks.

The best activities that are practiced on the castle mountain

You can do the following activities on the Citadel Mountain and enjoy a unique tourist experience:

  • You can take a tour of the Roman amphitheater, which dates back to the second century, and it includes a theater that includes a group of charming columns and inscriptions that you can take some pictures next to for eternal memory.

  • You can take a wonderful tour inside the Temple of Hercules, which is distinguished by its huge columns, and also includes the huge hand related to the statue of Hercules.

  • You will be able to visit the great Umayyad palace, which is characterized by its grandeur, and was built in the middle of the eighth century, and you can take a picture in front of its huge gate, which is characterized by luxury and sophistication.

  • You can enter the castle museum, which includes some pottery and antiquities dating back to ancient times.

  • Take a tour of the town adjacent to the Citadel Mountain, enjoy shopping and buy souvenirs, and do not forget to eat your meal in traditional restaurants and get the most delicious taste of beautiful Jordanian food.

Jordan Museum

Archaeological museums are the most visited places on daily trips from Amman compared to the rest of the tourist places in Amman, and one of the most important and prominent museums is the Jordan Museum, and you do not need to be someone who loves historical places in order to be able to enjoy visiting the museum, because the museum includes a group of exhibits Which displays history in an interesting and eye-catching way that does not make you bored.

  Among the most important exhibits inside the museum are the antiquities dating back to prehistoric times, and some pieces dating back to the Middle Ages. The museum has some exhibits that talk about the history of the city, such as exquisite handicrafts, with the presence of traditional clothes that characterize the city’s culture.

Activities you can do at the Jordan Museum

There are some activities that you can do when taking daily trips from Amman, as follows:

  • The museum contains a group of halls that you can move between so that you do not feel bored and enjoy the pieces displayed inside each hall.

  • Enjoy a tale that is told at the museum's outdoor exhibits that relate to the beginnings of history in Jordan.

  • You will be able to move to an ancient world, as you take a journey through time while looking at the tombs of ancient rulers located inside the museum.

  • Do not forget to go to the Islamic Hall, which comes through a chronological sequence, and is distinguished by its wonderful design, unique lighting, and contains many picturesque artifacts.

Harrana Palace

Al-Harana Palace is located 60 meters from Amman, which everyone who makes daily trips from Amman is keen to visit. It is one of the ancient desert castles that express luxurious Islamic architecture. It is also distinguished by the architecture of the Greeks and Byzantines, and it is one of the most famous castles in Jordan.

It was built at the beginning of the eighth century AD, and the internal arrangement of the palace expresses that it was not used for wars or military purposes, but expresses that it was used for royal holidays, and it is considered one of the most visited places for tourists in Oman, and safari trips are organized near it to have fun.

And you can take a tour inside the palace, as it contains 65 rooms that you can enjoy moving around in. There is an archaeological museum inside the palace that contains some traditional jewelry that testifies to the history of Jordan, along with some heritage tools, and it is located on the roof of the palace panoramic of its surroundings, which includes a group of wonderful columns that deserve take pictures of her.

Nebu mountain

It is one of the wonderful places that can be planned for daily trips from Amman to visit, as it is one of the natural and historical places alike, and it provides you with a wonderful view of the city of Jerusalem on a cloudless day, in addition to the view of the city of Jericho in the West Bank, and the height of the mountain 70 meters above sea level, which provides a panoramic view of the Jordan River Valley.

Its name was mentioned in some holy books, and it can be said that this mountain has a special place in the hearts of the monotheistic religions, and some remains of a Byzantine church were discovered, in addition to the discovery of 6 archaeological tombs located inside the natural rocky cavity located under the floor of the church, which was covered with paintings. Of the wonderful mosaics, the mountain is located 30 km from the Dead Sea and the city of Amman, and it is considered one of the most important and best places that you can visit.

Amra Palace

This palace has been listed as one of the most important world heritage sites by UNESCO, and it is considered one of the Islamic castles that were built in the 8th century during the reign of Caliph Al-Walid bin Yazid, and it is an important example that expresses the art of architecture in Islamic civilization, and the wall paintings on the ceiling of the palace express Although it was used for royal holidays.

You cannot spend holidays in usual places, but you must do new experiences. You can take day trips from Amman, enjoy unique historical tours in the most touristic aspirations in Jordan, and enjoy making unforgettable memories inside many ancient and modern places.