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The 6 best activities in Amman Citadel

Amman Citadel, which is considered one of the most important tourist places in the city of Amman; Therefore, touring the mountain is considered one of the best activities that a tourist can do, and there are many tourist places inside the mountain, which are among the most prominent places, and that mountain is a castle located on top of a hill, and it is a castle surrounded by a high wall.

Amman Citadel

The Amman Citadel is considered one of the historical sites of great importance, and it is located within the city center of Amman, where a number of pottery remains dating back to the Neolithic era were found, and it was also proven that the city was inhabited by many different cultures and peoples to where the Umayyads .

And then the former city became a heap of abandoned ruins, where it is used by seasonal farmers and farmers only, and despite this large gap, the castle mountain is among the oldest inhabited places in the world.

Also, some of the buildings that still exist within the site date back to the Byzantine, Roman, and Umayyad periods, as the main buildings in it include the Byzantine Church, the Temple of Hercules, as well as the Umayyad Palace.

The best activities in the Citadel Mountain in Amman

When you visit the Citadel Mountain, Amman, there are a number of activities that can be done in the Citadel Mountain in Amman, Jordan, and we will learn about these activities, follow the following:

  • Tour the remains of the Roman Temple of Hercules with its giant columns, and it also contains the giant hand, and that hand most likely belonged to the statue of Hercules.

  • Enter the Citadel Museum, which contains a number of wonderfully decorated utensils, as they date back to several ancient eras. The museum is located in front of the Umayyad Palace.

  • You can also tour the giant, luxurious Umayyad palace, which was built during the first half of the 8th century AD, and take pictures of its giant gate.

  • You can enjoy wandering around the Roman amphitheater, which dates back to the second century, and it also includes a theater that includes a number of columns, and some charming and picturesque inscriptions.

  • Stroll around the neighboring town, which is picturesque and picturesque, and have your meal in one of its picturesque traditional restaurants.

  • Finish your tour by crossing the ruins area at night, where concerts and events are held for musicians and singers from many different international and Arab nationalities.

Castle Mountain ruins

The history of the Citadel Mountain, which includes the Amman Citadel, dates back to the seventh century BC, when there are many countries and empires that have successively built on the Citadel Mountain, and the successive countries have taken great care of it. This is because it is considered a strategic place and a point of contact between the Arabian Peninsula and the European, African and Asian continents.

This mountain is considered the main headquarters of countries and the capital of other countries, and because of these features, the Citadel Mountain has many traces that indicate the succession of ancient civilizations, the most prominent of which are:

Umayyad palace

It includes another name, meaning the Umayyad Palace, which is a giant and luxurious complex dating back to the Umayyad era. The palace includes a vaulted room inside its entrance, which is known as the "huge gate" or "kiosk". Over time, many of its original parts have been destroyed.

Towers and railings

The castle-mountain was surrounded by a high and gigantic wall; This is due to its strategic location and military status, in addition to the observation towers, which were approximately ten meters high.

Byzantine church

There are remains of a Byzantine church at the top of the mountain, and that church dates back to the sixth century AD.

Temple of Hercules

The Roman structure is considered a historical site and the most important at the Citadel Mountain; This is due to the inscriptions contained in the temple. The temple was established during the period of the Roman Emperor Aurelius, and the sole ruler of the Arab province during the period 162-166 AD was Gemini Marcianus, and during that period the Roman theater was built.

residual traces

There is a group of inscriptions and remaining monuments scattered in the Citadel Mountain, and these remnants date back to the Iron, Middle and Hellenistic Bronze Ages.

Wells and ponds

There is a pond carved in the rock next to the Umayyad Palace, in addition to the presence of a number of wells carved in the rock, which date back to the Umayyad period and are among the famous ruins of the Amman Citadel.

Al-Husseini Grand Mosque

One of the largest mosques in the city of Amman is the Al-Husseini Grand Mosque, and it was established by Prince Abdullah I bin Al-Hussein in 1923 AD. The mosque is located in the center of the capital of Amman at the beginning of King Talal Street.

The Al-Husseini Grand Mosque is a historical place for tourism and a religious landmark, as it was built over the ruins of the old Umayyad Mosque.

Rainbow Street

What is meant by the word "rainbow" is the rainbow, and Rainbow Street is located in the heart of the capital, Amman, along the historic Jabal al-Qalaa area. The street also contains many necessary Jordanian sites, such as: King Talal's house.

When you walk around Rainbow Street, you will find the "Rainbow Cinema" theater, which displays classical arts, as well as a number of cafes and restaurants.

This is in addition to the possibility of wandering around the alleys surrounding Rainbow Street, and you will be amazed by the views of the old buildings, which have wonderful and picturesque designs.

The site of Jabal Al-Qalaa and its parts

The castle is located at the top of the Citadel Mountain in the center of the city of Amman, which overlooks the old city, where it was known as "Rabbat Ammon", which means the ancient royal city of Ammon, and the Ammonites were the ones who lived within the kingdom during the Iron Age.

The site of the castle has undergone many repairs; This is due to the presence of a giant number of buildings inside that place, and the buildings preserved inside the Amman Citadel are considered among the most prominent and best buildings that formed a small part of the Umayyad palace that covered a giant number of buildings, but due to an earthquake some of those buildings were destroyed, and what Others are still in good condition.

Inside the castle there are remains of a Byzantine church, the only thing left of it is a few mosaics, a number of columns and a floor plan. There is also a large courtyard in the castle that includes the remains of the cistern and residential buildings that were used to transport water from the palace.

About the Citadel Mountain

The Citadel Mountain in the heart of the Jordanian capital, the mountain is considered one of the seven mountains of the city of Amman, and the Ammonites used it since ancient times as a site for their rule within the city, and then the Greeks, Romans and Byzantines took power after them, as they occupied the city in succession, until he came The Islamic conquest during the seventh century AD, which includes the Amman Citadel.

The Amman Citadel is considered one of the famous archaeological sites located within the State of Oman, and the mountain includes a number of archaeological and important monuments.