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What are the best times to travel to Jordan? Summer or winter

What are the best times to travel to Jordan? There is little doubt that a journey to Jordan will be an amazing excursion, from the historic sites of Petra to the mystic desert of Wadi Rum. But precisely when is the ideal time to travel? Despite being a year-round resort, Jordan has a variety of temperatures because of its varied topography. places around the coast, like Aqaba, experience year-round warmth and sunshine, while places farther inland, like Amman, see more extreme weather.

What are the best times to travel to Jordan?

Jordan is often best visited in the spring (March to May) or fall (September to November). Since the weather is more pleasant, you may visit well-known places like Petra or the Wadi Rum without becoming sunburned. Although certain months are busier than others, if you visit in a shoulder month like March or November, you should avoid the major crowds.

Traveling in the summer (June to August) is not impossible, but it might be difficult for people who are not used to the heat because temperatures have been known to reach 40°F in some places. The same is true in winter; while unlikely, intense winter rains might result in flash floods, so you might need to allow some wiggle room.

Let's answer the question: What are the best times to travel to Jordan?

Jordan History

What are the best times to travel to Jordan? Jordan is a relatively small country, yet it has various climate zones, from the desert in the east and south to the Mediterranean in the west. There are 300 days on average of sunshine each year.

All around, summers are long, hot, and dry. The Dead Sea coast and the Valley of Jordan River experience the highest temperatures during the warmest months of July and August. Due to the extremely dry weather, there is scarcely any rain and the breeze doesn't provide much relief. Come September, the extreme heat begins to subside as the days and nights become milder. Rainfall in late October gives the desert landscapes a touch of green.

Winter is the least popular time of year to travel since, despite being brief, it typically has cold and wet weather across most of the nation (apart from a few isolated pockets of slightly warmer weather in locations like the Jordan Valley and Aqaba). You'll need to be flexible with your plan and expectations because Jordan receives 75% of its annual rainfall during this period. Heavy rains can result in site closures, tour cancellations, and flash flooding. Plan for inclement weather by scheduling indoor activities like art classes, museum outings, and cooking demonstrations. The good news is that Jordan is less expensive and has fewer tourists, so if you want to travel there on a budget.

What are the best times to travel to Jordan: Spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) are the ideal periods to visit Jordan. The nights are cold, with daytime highs of 61 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit. In the nature reserves, where flora and animals are numerous, it's not too hot to go sightseeing or hiking.

Summertime (June to August) temperatures can reach 102°F, making it extremely hot. On the other hand, Jordan frequently gets snow throughout the winter (December to February), and it gets very cold at night, especially in the desert areas. The majority of the rain falls now, in brief, intense showers.

What about the spring period in Jordan?

What are the best times to travel to Jordan? Ideal for: going on hikes, seeing wildflowers, and taking in local culture during Ramadan.

Spring is one of the greatest times to visit Jordan's outdoor areas if you desire to do so. Average daytime highs range from 18 to 28°C, making for nice days, and mild nights that are bearable in layers. Late March and early April, when the rainy season ends, is a terrific time to go hiking because most of the routes are available. Due to the winter rain, it is also one of the most beautiful times of the year, with wildflowers blooming all over the hills and valleys.

Ramadan is another attraction, however, the precise dates vary each year based on the crescent moon. Muslims abstain from eating and drinking from dawn to dark for the duration of this month-long religious celebration to practice spiritual discipline and draw closer to God. Even if the days may seem more somnolent than usual, the evenings are a whole different story! People are consuming food and beverages well into the night on the streets, in restaurants, and in cafes. Although you'll need to prepare ahead of time and avoid eating in the open during the day, it's a great chance to learn about Jordanian culture.

Summertime in Jordan (June to August).

Manifestations of celebration of the suitable Jordanian

Festivals and lesser crowds are ideal.

What are the best times to travel to Jordan: The best times to travel to Jordan: Jordan experiences a scorching summer with a peak in temperatures in August. Highs in Amman often reach 31 to 33 °C, although temperatures can soar to 38 to 42 °C (100 to 108 °F) in the Valley of Jordan and near the Dead Sea shore. Aqaba, a coastal city, has periodically reached temperatures as high as 45°!

What are the best times to travel to Jordan? Summer can be an excellent time to visit well-known sites like Petra as they are much quieter at this time of year. However, hiking and exploring the desert may be off the table (unless you're experienced and prepared for the heat). The schedule of events is likewise packed with celebrations, including the eagerly anticipated Jerash Festival for Culture and Art in late July.

ًWhy you should to Fall travel to Jordan (September to November)?

What are the best times to travel to Jordan: hiking, diving, and coastal vacations

Jordan is best visited in the autumn. In September, daytime highs remain in the low 30s and fall to the low 20s by November. In the Wadi Rum, the nights are perfect for camping because they are cool but not freezing. Going on a hike is best done in October when the first rains arrive and the hills and valleys turn green once more.

Beach lovers will also enjoy October because it's cool enough to swim (or float!) in the Dead Sea without getting burned. With outstanding visibility, pleasant water temperatures, and an abundance of marine life, including turtles, diving conditions are also ideal.