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The best hiking trails in Jordan

Hiking is one of the most extremely enjoyable activities, which you should try once in your life, and which you cannot miss any opportunity to explore the best natural hiking trails in Jordan and also enjoy the warmth of the campfires under the many stars, and enjoy the Stories shared by everyone around you, and in this article we will help you learn about the best hiking trails in Jordan.

The best hiking trails in Jordan 

When it comes to long-distance walking, Jordan has many natural resources and also experience in many activities. It is beautiful that nature in Jordan is filled with large long-distance walking paths that will make you want to spend a lot of time in this country. This is just to extend the time for your adventures, and some of the best hiking trails in Jordan include:

Mount Nebo trail

The Mount Nebo trail is considered one of the best hiking trails in Jordan and the surrounding area, and here are some of the reasons that make it a distinctive destination for walkers:

  • Stunning landscapes: The Mount Nebo trail offers exceptional natural views of the surrounding countryside and valleys, and you can also enjoy wonderful panoramic views of the mountains, valleys and the Dead Sea.
  • Culture and History: Mount Nebo holds great historical and cultural value. It is considered a sacred site in the Jewish and Christian religions. It is believed to be the place where Moses, peace be upon him, received the commandments from God. You can visit the church and historical monuments on the top of the mountain and explore more about ancient civilizations.
  • Hiking Challenge: The Mount Nebo trail provides an enjoyable challenge for walking and climbing lovers. You will find yourself on a climbing trip that requires good physical fitness and stamina, and the feeling of accomplishment when you reach the top of the mountain will be incomparable.
  • Spiritual Experience: Mount Nebo is a sacred place full of serenity and spirituality, you can enjoy peace and meditation during your trip and connect with nature and spirit.

Jordan track

The Jordan Trail is the best hiking trail in Jordan. Stretching across Jordan from north to south, passing through a variety of landscapes and cultural sites, the Jordan Trail is part of the global hiking trail network and aims to promote eco-cultural tourism in Jordan.

The Jordan Trail connects many famous tourist sites in Jordan, such as the Dead Sea, Wadi Rum, Petra, Mount Nebo and Aqaba. The trail also extends over a distance of more than 650 kilometers and passes through desert and mountainous areas, valleys and canyons.

Those looking for adventure can hike part of the Jordan Trail and explore the stunning landscapes and historical sites along the way. Walking along the trail can take weeks and requires good planning and adequate equipment.

The Jordan Trail provides a unique walking experience among wild nature and historical sites. It is an opportunity to explore the cultural and natural diversity of Jordan. It is an exciting challenge for climbers and adventure lovers who are looking for an exceptional exploratory experience in Jordan.

Umm Qais Trail “Aljoun”

Umm Qais Trail, also known as “Aljoun,” is one of the best hiking trails in Jordan. It is located in the Balqa region, northwest of the capital, Amman. This trail is also very popular among hikers and nature lovers because of its stunning views and environmental diversity.

The Umm Qais Trail extends through the Balqa Mountains and green valleys, and offers walkers the opportunity to explore forests, valleys, and springs. The trail is distinguished by its charming natural scenery, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the mountains, valleys, and stunning landscapes.

In addition to the beauty of nature, the Umm Qais Trail provides an opportunity to explore historical and cultural sites. You can also visit the old city of Amman and explore its archaeological ruins, in addition to visiting the Umm Qais archaeological site, which contains the remains of the ancient Roman city, theaters and temples.

The Umm Qais Trail is a self-catering trail, which means you can explore it on your own. However, it is always recommended to follow safety guidelines and necessary hiking equipment. You should also check the weather conditions before setting off and avoid walking in the hot summer.

Wadi Mujib Trail

The Wadi Mujib Trail is one of the best and most attractive hiking trails in Jordan. It is located in the Petra area, of which the famous archaeological site of Petra is a part. Here are some of the notable features of the Wadi Mujib Trail:

  • Wadi Mujib is characterized by its picturesque and diverse landscape. You will find yourself amidst mountains of red sand rocks, deep valleys, and beautiful water streams. It is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and take wonderful photos.
  • The Wadi Mujib Trail is a major route to reach the ancient city of Petra, considered one of the ancient wonders of the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You will pass through many amazing monuments such as the Treasury (Al-Treasury), the Siq and the Old City.
  • The Wadi Mujib Trail provides a unique walking experience and exploratory adventure. You will overcome many natural obstacles such as stones, rocks and valleys, and you will enjoy the challenge and excitement while traversing the trail.
  • In addition to Petra, along the Wadi Mujib trail you will discover the remains of other monuments and their ancient temples. You will learn about the stories and history of the ancient civilizations that settled this region.
  • Wadi Mujib is a quiet and secluded place, where you can get away from the noise of the city and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the surrounding nature.

What should you bring when you go on a hiking adventure?

When you venture out on the best hiking trails in Jordan, it is important that you bring some basic gear and equipment to ensure your comfort and safety. Here is a list of some of the things you should bring:

Durable backpack

Choose a sturdy and comfortable backpack to carry all the necessary things. It is preferable that the bag is waterproof and has adjustable straps to adjust it and distribute the weight appropriately.

Appropriate clothing

Wear comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing, make sure to wear multiple layers to be able to regulate your temperature easily, and wear walking shoes that are comfortable and appropriate for the terrain you plan to walk on.

Navigation equipment

If you are participating in a long or unknown route, you may need maps, compass, and GPS navigation for guidance, and make sure you know how to use this equipment properly.

Food and water

Carry enough water to cover your needs during the adventure, pack reusable water bottles to save the environment, also carry healthy snacks and food for nutrition while walking.

Emergency equipment

Stay emergency prepared by carrying a first aid kit, duct tape, cutting tools, a flashlight, and a hail protection sheet. You may also need to have a charged cell phone and know local emergency numbers.

Protection from sun and weather

Don't forget to protect yourself from the sun and harsh weather, wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen with a high protection factor, and carry a small umbrella or hoop to protect against sudden rain.

Here we have presented to you all the information regarding the best hiking trails in Jordan that you will need if you want to practice hiking.