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A traditional Jordanian breakfast and the most prominent restaurants that serve this breakfast

A traditional Jordanian breakfast, where Jordanian cuisine uses a wide range of cooking methods in the Jordanian style, from baking, as these modern methods have become widely spread, in addition to that baking includes everything that is baked in the oven, frying, and grilling as well, and this to stuffing vegetables and meat as well, and this to Poultry side.

Grilling is also widespread in the Jordanian cooking style, in terms of preparing foods with its own sauce, such as mansaf, and marinating it. Hence, Jordanians give great importance to food, like the people of the Middle East.

Then you will be sure of this when you visit Jordan and taste the deliciousness of the various dishes there, while also enjoying all the delicious Jordanian cuisine in the midst of Jordanian hospitality, as this visit is considered to be famous throughout the world. 

Traditional Jordanian breakfast 

All Jordanians also express their hospitality and generosity through food, as the Jordanian people are hospitable by nature, and thus the guest will feel this from the moment he enters his host’s home, and this is regardless of the host’s financial condition.

You will not leave any Jordanian home without a smile on your face, and this is when you are invited by a Jordanian person, and the host person does not expect anything from you in return, whether this return is a wage or a gift, and all you have to do is accept the invitation with food.

After you finish eating, the usual phrase for the host will be to say, “Good health and wellness.” This is in order to live an unforgettable experience with every meal you eat. Food in Jordan goes beyond the need for food, as it carries within it a social dimension, and it also represents a culture. Society as a whole, and this concept is clearly evident among the Jordanian people. Lunch is considered the main meal of the day in Jordan.

The most important types of Jordanian food

There are many types of Jordanian food, the enjoyment of which is incomplete without all loved ones participating in the food trip, of course, and that is a traditional Jordanian breakfast, the most prominent of which are the following:

Bedouin food

As Bedouin food consists of seasonal products, camel milk and goat cheese, along with dried dates and water, are among the main elements in Bedouin dishes. One of the most famous Bedouin dishes is the very distinctive Bedouin mansaf.

All Arabs

For most Jordanians, the day begins with a breakfast of eggs, accompanied by locally produced olives, as well as cheese and sour cream, in addition to fava beans and of course bread. Lunch is considered the basic meal of the day, and it includes rice, or potatoes, and also a type of seasonal vegetable. Prepared like a stew, a variety of side dishes are served, such as arugula and chopped liver, as well as fresh blanched almonds.

The most prominent Jordanian meat dishes 

There are many special Jordanian meat dishes, some of which are served for breakfast and some are served for lunch. They are considered a traditional Jordanian breakfast, and the most important of these dishes are the following:


It is considered the national dish present in all celebrations and festivals as well, as it is prepared by cooking meat in fermented goat milk called jameed, and it is served with a large plate of rice and bread decorated with almonds and pine nuts as well.


This dish consists of cabbage leaves that are wrapped with a filling of rice and minced meat before cooking, and then lemon sauce and garlic are added to it.

Upside down

It consists of rice, as well as chicken, along with vegetables, which are placed upside down in a large pot, and then served with salad or yogurt.


It is a traditional Jordanian dish, in which boiled chicken and onions are buried under a layer of dough, cooked in the oven until cooked, then cut into triangles and served.

The most famous Jordanian vegetarian dishes 

There are many famous Jordanian vegetarian dishes that many people accept to eat and are also considered a traditional Jordanian breakfast. The most prominent of these dishes are the following:

lentil soup

It is a soup made from lentils, and then it is served hot in the winter with toasted bread, green onions, and lemon juice.


Hummus is considered an essential ingredient in Levantine cuisine, and it consists of ground chickpeas and tahini, as well as lemon, garlic and olive oil.


It is a healthy vegetarian dish. It is prepared by cooking rice and lentils together, then seasoned with cumin and spices. It can be eaten with yogurt, salad, or both.


They are considered fried balls made from chickpeas and spices as well, as they are shaped into spherical discs.


It is a flat bread that can be served in a variety of ways with several different toppings. It ranges from fresh herbs such as thyme, cheese, or possibly minced meat. The bread can also be served open or folded.

The most prominent breakfast restaurants in Jordan 

There are many restaurants that serve a Jordanian breakfast and are considered a traditional Jordanian breakfast. These restaurants include the following:

Dead Sea Panorama Complex Restaurant

As the Panorama Complex restaurant overlooks the Dead Sea, it is considered one of the most beautiful natural views of the Dead Sea, in a place where the blue of the sky and its beauty is beautifully reflected in the sea water. It is also considered a distinctive local restaurant, as it works to provide a wide variety of local and international dishes as well. In addition to breakfast meals and desserts with different flavors and special prices.

Papaya Restaurant

Papaya Restaurant is considered a very distinctive and vibrant restaurant in the city of Aqaba. This restaurant is distinguished by its comfortable seating that is perfectly suitable for having breakfast or lunch with family or friends. This restaurant also offers its customers a diverse menu that includes many delicious dishes from... Arabic breakfast, such as hummus, falafel, halloumi, fava beans, and egg omelet as well. It also offers delicious lunch dishes from grills of all kinds in a traditional Jordanian breakfast.

The best breakfast restaurants in Jordan

There are many Jordanian restaurants for breakfast, including traditional Jordanian breakfast, and one of these restaurants is Petra Night Restaurant, which is distinguished by:

  • This restaurant was created to spend an unforgettable evening with your family and friends eating the most delicious local oriental cuisine.
  • This restaurant is famous for its charming and ideal atmosphere with many exceptional outdoor and indoor seating.
  • Hence, it offers a diverse menu that includes many traditional Jordanian foods that are very popular.
  •  Including the traditional mansaf served with jameed yogurt, as well as grills of all kinds prepared from the finest fresh meat for a traditional Jordanian breakfast.

At the end of the article, we talked about a traditional Jordanian breakfast, the most prominent meals served in Jordan, and the most prominent restaurants where breakfast and lunch are eaten as well.