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Places prefer to visit when heading to Madaba archaeological park

One of the most popular tourist spots in Jordan is Madaba Archaeological Park. We'll outline the top activities to do in Madaba, the city of mosaics, in only one day in this blog article. You may organize your 24-hour visit to Madaba with the aid of this article, which includes the greatest activities and must-see sights.

Madaba archaeological park

Many rare Byzantine mosaic floors and Roman-era antiquities were protected and made accessible to the general public by the creation of the Madaba Archaeological Park History. It was founded in 1995 and consists of two components.

A mosaic exhibition from the region is on display directly at the entrance in this section's eastern portion, including the very first mosaic piece ever found in Jordan. One of the finest examples of Jordan's mosaic work is the floor of the Hippolytus Hall, which features a distinctive mosaic representing an ancient tale. Along with the remains of the Virgin Mary's Round Church, it is protected by a stone shelter built by architect Ammar Khammash.

You may access the mosaics in St. Elianus' Crypt. By wandering along the section of a Roman road that has been maintained, one may view the courtyard and the buildings of the Madaba Institute for Mosaic Art and Restoration (MIMAR).

Madaba Archaeological Park History

In 1880 AD, Christian Arab tribes from the Karak region relocated to Madaba, an old town on the Jordanian Plateau. Both Muslims and Christians now live there. Many artifacts from antiquity have been discovered here, and you can see a lot of them at the Museum and the Archaeological Parks.

The modern city of Madaba is situated atop a man-made mound that hides the ruins of much older structures. The village has a lengthy history and was originally referenced in the Bible about 1200 BC during the Exodus. East of the town is where a tomb from this period was discovered.

It had been retaken by the Ammonites by the time of the Maccabees (about 165 BC), but John Hyrcanus finally took it in roughly 110 BC after a protracted siege. It was one of the cities promised to Aretas, King of the Nabataeans, provided he assisted Hyrcanus II to retake Jerusalem, and up to Alexander Jannaeus, it remained in Jewish control.

Suggestions to you to visit when traveling to Madaba Archaeological Park

It would be pointless to travel to Madaba if you did not explore its Madaba archaeological park. The area serves as an outdoor museum where, among other historic remains, the Church of the Virgin Mary and Hippolytus Hall were unearthed after a series of excavations.

The park's entry is marked by the earliest mosaic in Jordan, which dates to the first century BC and is from Machaerus.

Church of the Virgin Mary

Under a private home, a church from the sixth century was discovered in 1887. It has a lovely mosaic with flower buds and flowers along the margins and inscriptions indicating the chapel was devoted to the Virgin Mary. A geometric masterwork, the center medallion is said to have been created during the Umayyad era, approximately 767 AD.

Greek Orthodox  Basilica of Saint George

One of the most important sites of worship and travel in Jordan is this lovely church. The Greek Orthodox Basilica of Saint George is adorned with opulent interiors, graceful colonnades, and a variety of mosaics. It also has a mosaic map of the Holy Land.

It is made out of two million pieces of vibrantly colored native stone and shows hills, valleys, towns, and villages of the Nile Delta.

Church Of The Apostles

The basis of our talk should not be about Madaba Archaeology Park and should not mention the Church of the Apostles.

Visit the Church of the Apostles in Madaba, Jordan; it's one of the top things to do there. The 12 Apostle images that are depicted on the church walls make up this building. These inscriptions, which are one of very few numbers of this kind, are dated to the latter half of the year 568 AD.

The largest Apostle, Thalassa, a female personification of the sea, is located in the center of the cathedral. The wall is beautifully decorated with fish and other marine animals inscribed around the female image. Despite extensive wear and tear, this old church nevertheless serves as a prime example of traditional architecture and design.

The Burnt Palace

A magnificent home's mosaic flooring has also lately been found. They appear to have been abandoned after burning down during the Byzantine era, based on their state. These mosaics had animal portraits as well as a grid of plants, including trees, flowers, birds, and fish.

The Jesus Christ mosque

A mosque that was established in 2008 to promote unity and tolerance is known precisely as "The Mosque of Jesus Christ" and is located in the city to the south of Amman, Jordan. 

Jamal al Sufrati, the mosque's imam, has a distinguished reputation in the area of the city for his long-standing dedication to fostering positive ties with the Christian community, which makes up around 10% of the population. Jesus Christ is revered and honored by Muslims. He is regarded by them as one of God's most important human-to-human messengers.

Hippolytus Hall

The Virgin Mary Church's front porch was constructed atop a hall that, in the sixth century, housed a wealthy Byzantine mansion. The incredibly beautiful mosaic floor was found in 1982 when an excavation job was underway. This room's four corners include borders of acanthus scrolls with hunting and pastoral images to represent the four seasons.


What are the most popular sights to see in Madaba?

The most popular sights to see in Madaba are Nebo Mountain, the Dead Sea St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church, Madaba Mosaic Map, and St. George's Church.

What are Madaba's top outdoor pursuits?

The finest outdoor activities may be at Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, and Madaba Archaeological Park.

What are the most well-liked family activities in Madaba?

The top activities in Madaba for families are Dead Ocean, Roman Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist, Nebo Mountain, Park Archeological Madaba, and Sacred Heart Church